Pedigree Fox


-> Vollständiger Stammbaum abrufbar hier: Australian Shepherd Pedigree Datenbank

CH Nowaggas Call Me Tazz
07 May 1999
Red C/W, HD=A/B
CH Calais Southern Comfort
02 Jun 1995
Red merle C/W, OFA Good
HOF CH Calais OutaOptions of Carolina STDs
OFA Good
HOF CH Carolinas Im CN Red CD
OFA Good
CH Agua Dulce My Option
OFA Good
CH Calais Second To None
OFA Good
HOF CH Carolinas Im CN Red CD
OFA Good
CH Calais Twist of Blue
OFA Excellent
CH Rosewoods Field of Dream
24 Feb 1994
Red C/W, OFA Excellent
HOF CH Rosewoods Jessee James
OFA Excellent
CH Red Heat of Adelaide
OFA Excellent
Song Sung Blue of Adelaide
Dorrocks Fine Wine Chablis
OFA Good
CH Red Heat of Adelaide
OFA Excellent
Rosewoods Saskatoon O Woodwind
Champagne Bubble Of Crystal Lake
21 Nov 2007
Blue merle C/W, HD=B/B
CH Crystal Lake Air France at No Shatsuko
12 Jan 2004
Black C/W, HD=A/A
CH Propwash Speakeasy
OFA Good
HOF CH Paradox Propaganda
OFA Good
Propwash Vari Easy
Propwash When Clouds Colide
OFA Good
WW CH Propwash Ponder
OFA Good
CH Propwash Test Pattern CD
OFA Good
Vet CH Aladdins Spice Up Your World
25 Mar 2002
Blue merle C/W, HD=B
CH Aladdins Uno Numero Caliente
OFA Excellent
CH Somercrest One Hot Number AtCu-D
OFA Excellent
OTCH Indian Runs Rainbow Mist
OFA Good
Turtle Crest Pure Prarie
OFA Good
CH PennYcaerausRamblin Dude Rowdy
OFA Good
Turtle Crests Navajo Nellie
OFA Excellent

* Auflistung der möglichen Titel und Abkürzungen: Titel im CASD & ASCA


CH Nowagga's Call Me Tazz champagne-bubble
CH Nowaggas Call Me Tazz Champagne Bubble of Crystal Lake



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